
Map of Zakynthos

Zakynthos or Zante, has a total area of around 410 square kilometers, making it the third largest island in the Ionian Sea after Corfu and Kefalonia. It has a varied terrain, with mountainous areas in the west and central part of the island, and flatter plains in the east.

The highest point on the island is Mount Vrachionas, which rises to a height of 758 meters above sea level. There are several other peaks on the island that exceed 500 meters in height.

One of the most famous features of Zakynthos is Navagio Beach, also known as Shipwreck Beach. It is located on the northwest coast of the island and is only accessible by boat. The beach is nestled in a cove surrounded by steep cliffs and features a shipwrecked freighter from 1980 that ran aground during stormy weather.

Zakynthos also has several other beautiful beaches, including Gerakas, Banana Beach, and Laganas, which is the longest beach on the island.

The island is relatively flat in the east, where most of the population lives. Zakynthos Town is the capital and main port of the island, located on the east coast near the center of the island.

