

(444-360BC)King of Sparta who came to the throne after Lysander had helped him declare his nephew illegitimate (Alcibiades was suspected as the father).

As a general Agesilaus had been successful in defeating the Persians in several battles in Asia Minor. When the Corinthian War broke out he was called back to Greece.

Epaminondas wanted the Boeotian League to be recognized, but Agesilaus refused, which led to war. At Leuctra, in 371 BC, the Spartans were defeated, but Agesilaus managed to avoid Sparta itself being attacked by Epaminondas army.

Agesilaus remained a man of the military to the very end.

As an old man he still believed he could be useful in an army, and tried to enroll in both the Egyptian and Persian armies. When he failed to do so he set off for Greece, but died on the way at the age of 80.

He had always been an extremely strong character, stubborn and persistent, despite of ailing health and and a limp all through his life. His epitaph was not the best though, since he did contribute to the fall of Sparta.