King of Phrygia
and in a way the personification of greed. When granted a wish from Dionysus,
he chose to have anything he touched turn into gold. This proved to be an
unwise decision, since even his food and drink was turned into gold when he
touched it.
To get rid of the curse, he took a bath in the Pactolus River, which ever
since then was said to contain gold.
Midas was also unfortunate enough to be chosen as a judge when Apollo and
Pan competed as musicians. Because the king chose Pan, Apollo turned his ears
into an ass's. Midas hid them from everyone, but he could not avoid showing
his ears to his barber, who whispered the secret into a hole in the ground.
When reeds had grown over the hole and the wind blew, the whisper could be
heard: King Midas has an ass's ears…
The original story about Midas is not so well known. According to it, the
king had put wine in the well of his garden to trick the satyr Silenus into
sharing some of his wisdom. He managed to catch him, and Silenus revealed
that the best thing for man is never to have been born, and that the second
best is to die soon if one has been born.