Chaste son
of Theseus and the amazon Hippolyte or Antiope who had dedicated himself to
Artemis. He was a good hunter and charioteer and rejected all women. He even
despised Aphrodite, which made the goddess take revenge by making his stepmother
Phaedra fall desperately for Hippolytus.
When refused, Phaedra comitted suicide, leaving a message behind accusing
Hippolytus for trying to rape her. Theseus then had his father Poseidon punish
him by sending a monster that frightened the horses that were pulling his
Hippolytus was killed, but reconciled with his father before he died, since
Artemis had told Theseus the truth.
According to another version, Phaedras passion is a revenge on behalf of the
Amazons. When Theseus left his Amazon wife for Phaedra, she killed herself
on their wedding day.