Biography of Saint Alexander Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint Alexander was born in the year 240 AD, others say 239, in Asia Minor, of pious parents, who raised him Christian. The great gifts he acquired in his childhood and youth were seen and highlighted later, during his twelve-year patriarchate and during the First Ecumenical Council, which took place in Nicaea in Asia Minor in the year 325 AD, during which the Faith of the Church was clearly defined, where the various sects preached it.
Saint Alexander Patriarch of Constantinople is distinguished from the first Ecumenical Council, which took place in Nicaea, Bithynia, the then Patriarch did not elect him as its representative. And when Arius was condemned in this Synod, Alexander, although an old man of 70 years, agreed to tour Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly and the rest of Greece, to teach and make known the correct doctrines of the decisions of the Synod of Nicaea. In the middle of the period the Patriarch dies and appoints Alexander as his successor. Indeed, as a Patriarch, Alexander responded correctly to the difficult circumstances of the times.
Then Arius had deceived King Constantine that he supposedly believed correctly. And the king ordered Alexander to let Arius partake of the Holy Communion. Alexander, sad, prayed to God and asked for His help. On the morning when Areios was to go in procession to the church, he was found dead. Saint Alexander died peacefully in 337 AD.
Celebration Day: August 30