Local bus services in Karpathos
The local bus transportation on the island of Karpathos is characterized by simplicity due to the relatively few main roads. Good news for many is that even if you do not rent a car or motorbike on the island, you can reach the major settlements using local buses, as the main settlements are connected by bus services.
One of the most important information about Karpathos bus services is that the island’s bus station is located in the center of Pigadia, the capital of Karpathos, and is relatively easy to access. From the Pigadia bus station, buses run according to the current seasonal schedule, providing daily access to the island’s larger settlements.
Those who wish to explore the island of Karpathos by bus and prefer public transportation should consider booking accommodation in or near Pigadia. The current bus schedule in Karpathos is always posted at the Pigadia station and on information boards at the stops in the settlements. It’s always a good idea to check the departure and arrival times a few days before traveling, as there have been instances where the schedule was changed mid-summer.
The bus schedule in Karpathos always depends on the season, so the pre- and post-season, winter, and high-season schedules differ: the change usually occurs at the end of June or the beginning of September. The Karpathos bus schedule generally follows the below system.
Karpathos Bus Schedule Pigadia
Local bus services in Karpathos run more frequently on weekdays and somewhat less frequently on weekends, and there are almost no services on Sundays, so it’s worth planning with this in mind.
Although Karpathos local buses do not go to the smallest villages or most of the beaches, they do stop at the main settlements. It’s worth noting that the local bus routes almost invariably involve winding, mountainous sections, so if you’re not a fan of bus travel, this is not where you’ll grow to like it.
Karpathos Airport (Karpathos Airport) / Kipi Afiartis
Amoopi (Ammopi, Lakki)
Aperi / Volada / Othos / Pyles
Apella beach / Kyra Panagia
Kato Lefkos / Finiki / Arkasa
Menetes / Arkasa / Finiki
Olympos / Diafani
Spoa / Mesochori
As can be seen from the list above, several settlements in Karpathos are accessible by bus and are worth visiting and exploring. Buses in Karpathos offer a relatively affordable option for those who do not have a driver’s license or do not wish to rent a car or motorbike on the island.